Institute of Marine Engineers (I), Visakhapatnam Branch is organizing a global shipping event global maritime seminar (GLOMARS) 2015 during July 16-18 in Vizag.
The theme of the seminar is “Challenges in ship building for revival of shipping and emergence of offshore/sub-sea technologies with special reference to environmental protection.”
Speaking to TOI, chairman-Visakhapatnam Branch of The Institute of Marine Engineers (India), Govind Vithal Nori said GLOMARS 2015 is expected to witness attendance of more than 300 participants from India, Singapore, USA, Europe and Japan including ship owners, ship managers, ship building and repair yards, ports, oil exploration and producing companies, dredging companies, ship equipment and port equipment manufacturers, offshore and subsea service providers, ship designers, researchers, maritime training institutes, regulators, navies, coast guard and classification societies.
The selected papers at GLOMARS 2015 will cover research, innovations, case studies, futuristic approaches, latest regulations and knowledge management, he added.
Associate Vice-President of Indian Register of Shipping, Amit Bhatnagar said that in order to create awareness about the maritime field, GLOMARS will provide free access for school and college students to exhibition and opportunity to witness demonstration by leading equipment manufacturers, and interact with industry experts.
Marine consultant and chairman of PSM Group of Companies, PS Murty said that this is first GLOMARS being organized at Visakhapatnam, which will be a four yearly event on the lines of INMARCO (International Maritime Conference) at Mumbai and World Shipping Forum, Chennai.
Institute of Marine Engineers (I) has eight branches in India, which are located at Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Kochi, Goa, Pune and Visakhapatnam.