Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Friday announced that no posters displaying him or his colleagues’ photos will be permitted on Metro Rail pillars and in other public places in the city from now onwards.
He would make appeal to other political parties to follow the suit, he said. Mr Rao was responding to a remark by Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) Managing Director NVS Reddy at a meeting that posters were marring the beauty of aesthetically designed Metro Rail pillars and other public places, an official release said.
At an interactive and feedback session held by the Chief Minister as a part of ‘Swachh Hyderabad’ campaign, Mr Reddy suggested that there has to be a political will and voluntary ban by political leaders on such posters, the release from HMR said. L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad (L&TMRH) is developing the 72-km elevated metro rail project in the city with three corridors and 66 stations.